Sunday, November 3, 2013

It's almost time!!!

     In less than 2 weeks I will be back in the Peace River!   I've been emailing Jack, trying to decide where to start and it's a little like being a kid in a candy store, albeit a candy store where the candy is really difficult to find and you don't get to choose what kind of candy you get or even if you get any candy at all, but you know what I mean.
     Time to pull the kayak off the rack and do the general prep work.  I'm still not certain if the new, longer cord for the trolling motor will reach to the front where I want to remove the rod mount and replace it with the battery box.  The shallow water of the Peace River in the winter requires the fossiler to get in and out of the kayak to navigate obstacles and having a battery cable roping off one side of the yak would make that task infinitely more difficult.
     Luckily, I already had the rudder line replaced this summer and had them replace some of the gear bungies while they were at it.
     I'm also feeling a chill in the morning air so I need to remember which wet suit or waders or fleece or...I'll just bring everything the first time.

     I sorted through two boxes of less than perfect fossils and most of them are going to the club meeting to be used in sand box digs for the kids at different fossil functions but I still have a cabinet full of interesting things and the question is, "Where will I put everything I will find this season?"
     My quest for the perfect, affordable curio cabinet continues.  It will be devoted to fossils and minerals and is destined to bore the pants off of my friends but provide hours of enjoyment for ME!
          This mammoth toe bone is one of the biggest fossils I've found so far but this season...who knows?  Get me to the candy store!

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