Tuesday, November 12, 2013

As Kanye says...

...Please, no photos.
     The reality is, I don't want to post anymore photos from last season. 
 I want to post photos from THIS season,
 and this season starts this weekend!
     I am amused but also a bit nervous that I can't seem to get it together in regards to packing my gear.  Oh, I remembered the pint of gin for the campground, but I almost forgot to throw a shovel in the truck!
     I repositioned my trolling motor battery box to the front of the kayak in the hopes that shifting 25 lbs from the stern to the bow will give me a little more clearance when the water really gets shallow but now I'm trying to remember what else goes on the kayak. 
      I learned that when water levels are higher (as in the start of the season), it's a good idea to pack an anchor since tying off on the shore can leave you with a tough slog to wherever you're actually digging.
     It's probably still warm enough for a wet suit instead of the waders, but do I want the farmer john or the step-in jacket?  Decisions...decisions...
One thing I remember from my first visit to the Peace River around this time last year: numb feet.  That's when I was still wearing tennis shoes and wet wool socks.  Now I have heavy dive boots but even those aren't foolproof.  So I throw a couple of chemical hand warmers in my dry bag in case I need to recover feeling in my toes.
     Preparing for the start of my second season on the Peace River, I am once again gung ho in regards to meals and snacks, buying organic apples and prepping containers of chicken and rice, but I know I will quickly revert to a bag of chips from one of the many Citgos on the route, and a dinner afterwards, from McDonald's value menu. 
     Rereading that last sentence makes me want to declare my New Year's resolution right now: 
Maintain your health for better fossiling!
     I think I'm going to add that one to my bumper sticker line.  ;-)

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