Friday, May 5, 2017

Weather Shifting Affects Sifting

I just made that shite up
and I think it's pretty good.
I can rock out some haiku, too.
Of course I've got an IPA under my belt so the world is glow-y and warm.
The point is, it's starting to rain.
(blah, blah, blah...)
The coming of Florida's rainy season signals the end of digging for fossils in the Peace River as well as the close to a wonderful year of finds for me.  I am grateful that I am able to engage in this hobby, both physically and geographically, and I won't forget how much fun this season was.
But it ain't over yet!!!
A few more boss scutes.

A tiny dasypus scute.

Yet another big ass gator tooth.

Yet another HALF of a carnivore tooth.
Someday...I'll find a whole one. 

You guessed it!  10 more pounds of turtle scutes.

I've found several mammal ear bones this season
 but this one came with a tiny embedded shark tooth.

A couple of rough horse and bison teeth.

Deer antler.

Never a lot of shark teeth but always a few nice semis.

A couple of big bones.

A cool old medicine bottle.

And finally, the yucky part of every visit to the river...
I really hated digging up this nasty Medusa coil of old wire.
Tom thinks it was from an old TV antenna.  It was so stiff I could hardly get it under control enough to take back on my kayak.  I also bagged several pounds of glass bottles and aluminum cans.  This might not seem like a big deal but right now the river is so low, every ounce counts:  the more weight in my kayak, the more times I have to get out and drag it over sand bars.  
I am, however, trying to be a better steward of the river
 so I will continue to collect other people's trash.
Here's what I can't wrap my mind around: when you bring all your beer to the river it's in boxes or bags or coolers and it's heavy.  After you drink the beer, you still have the boxes or bags or coolers and it's much lighter.  Pack it out!  I've had people say to me, as if in defense, 
"Well, when people get drunk..." 
Hey, I've been drunk, once or twice, and I picked up my crap and threw it away!
End of rant.
Have a great week and I'll post more finds next time.  Thanks!

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