Saturday, December 10, 2016

Holiday Gluttony

I was ready for a feast,
so when I was given the chance to dig in a private area over the holidays,
I jumped at it!
This post is basically going to be a photo album of my goodies from a day and a half of digging,
and I couldn't have done it without 
friends in hard-to-reach places.
This is my FIRST whale tooth.
Well, the first one that still resembles a whale tooth.
I've found several sad fragments over the years so I was super excited to find one this good.
I parked my screen under a tree on day 2 and started pulling up makos.
My friend said it was "the mako tree that keeps on giving."
These aren't the most pristine great whites but the enamel still exhibits chatoyancy and their addition to my fossil collection has more than doubled the previous number of great whites I've found
(1 little one from the beach in Ponte Vedra).
Just about the purtiest shark vertebra I ever did see!
This is a modern alligator tooth and I love the look of it.
I keep all the modern teeth I find, as long as they're past the stinky phase.
Just a perfect little shark tooth.
Fatty McFat tigers.
Gorgeous duskies galore.
Love the Hobbit look of the tree roots behind me!  
Just like in Narnia.
Wait...I'm confused...
Super cool old bottle.  I filled it with shark teeth from the dig.
Loads of fish mouth plates.
Awesome shell casts.
I keep anything that catches my eye.
An old jar lid.  It says "White House" but the first word is almost worn off.
A nice mix of gator and turtle scutes, antler butts, vertebrae, etc.
A lone hemi, snake vertebrae, giant armadillo scute, and a silver metal blob.
A plethora of very nice ray mouth plates.
I couldn't ask for more from a holiday weekend:
time spent with friends and a fossil hangover on Monday.