Monday, April 11, 2016

Unexpected fossils

A rolling stone gathers no moss,
so when I can't hunt the rivers, 
I find other ways to occupy my time.
I just took a weekend trip to Savanah, Georgia and lo and behold...
I spied an unexpected fossil built into one of the walls in the old part of the city.
A piece of fossil coral; one of my favorite things.

But wait, there's more!
I'm not exactly sure what this rock is,
but I know a fossiliferous rock when I see one.

Pam and I managed one visit to the Peace River
in between downpours.
I would give this batch of finds a sad emoji face but there were a couple of interesting mammal scutes and a piece of jaw with a couple of teeth, something I always like to find. I'm thinking it's raccoon or opossum.
And yet another modern human fossil:
I'd almost rather lose my glasses or Rambo-style survival knife instead of my coffee mug!

I must bid the river adieu for the month of April.
I'll be trying my rockhounding luck in Arizona and West Virginia in the coming few weeks.

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