Sunday, April 30, 2017

River Riot Continues

The title sounds more exciting
than this actual post.
All I meant to say is there is a riotous variety of things to find in the Peace River.

 I remember stealing money from my dad's quarter jar so that I could ride my bike to 7-11 and buy cool-ass commemorative cups like this back in the 70's.  A black widow drinking cup!  Wow!  
No recycling number on the bottom of this baby.

A little jar with a marble in it.
I put the marble in the jar for artistic effect but I dug them both from the same hole.

Pam keeps a smile on her face
as we work towards our goal of herniating all of our spinal discs.

Another good day on the river.
Glyptodont heaven continues to yield the animals' earthly remains.

So much deer antler!
I find a few good pieces every visit.

Really beautiful turtle material.
Every week I come home with a few pounds of top notch turtle material.  Amazing how much there is!  This area may be glyptodont heaven, but it's definitely turtle paradise.

Always at least a few good teeth

including this chunky bison incisor:

I found my best alligator scute ever
as well as a worn alligator vertebra.

Does anyone want to compete for this crystal shell?
It's mighty cute!

And always...
at least one good scute from a pampathere.

We found time to attend the Tampa Bay Fossil Club show.
I think this is my "deer in the headlights" look 
and it's Miss Vickie's "crazy deer in the headlights" look.
Tom is there as the focused member of the group.

And in other unrelated news...
Here's a beautiful coral geode I recently sold.
I love how it looks in this photo.

And a piece of Blue Forest wood I just cut...
The entire interior is crystalized.  
I am working feverishly to process all the rocks from our trip last June before I leave on our trip this June.  I'm making headway but mostly by moving the mixed up stack of rocks on the patio into organized smaller stacks of rocks by the shed.  
Hey, it's progress.


  1. As always very entertaining. I always enjoy reading your posts. I'm also very jealous and sad that I couldn't dig more with you all. Looking forward to June.

    1. You're still digging! What's amazing is the challenges you overcome to do it. You are a machine!
