Friday, September 16, 2016

Dinosaurs: the Glamour Fossil, Part 1

It was time to dig for dinosaurs.
I didn't just wake up one morning thinking this, though.
I had begun a correspondence with a woman, Shelly, who purchased some of my fossil coral on eBay and she invited me to meet up with her in eastern Wyoming to dig for dinosaur bones.
It was not cheap.
By the time I factored in air fare, rental car, dig fees, and a room in a run down motel,
I was in deep.
So I viewed it as a once in a lifetime opportunity; a chance to explore
another venue of my fossil fascination.
I had a brief layover in Denver
on my way to Rapid City, South Dakota 
(the closest airport to my destination of Newcastle, WY)
and was surprised to see well-worn brass dinosaurs worked into the terrazzo floors of the restroom.
I believe this is a mosasaur. 

There's a first time for everything:
I was stopped by security after passing through the X-ray vision booth
because they needed to confer as to whether or not my megalodon necklace could be considered a weapon.  I'm sure it was a weapon when it was still in the mouth of the megalodon, but nowadays, megalodon related violence is at an all-time low.

Welcome to South Dakota!
Liquor and a casino.  Just add guns and we've got a party!
But I jest.
I stopped in for a bottle of gin and a lottery ticket.  
Only a couple more hours in a rental car
and I'd be smack dab in the middle of nowhere.
Exactly where I wanted to be.
After lots of emails, I finally got to meet
Shelly, and our fearless leader, Gary:
Love this guy's t-shirt collection!
Now that all the pieces to the expensive puzzle were in place,
all I had to do was dig.
That's when I learned a thing or two about digging for glamour fossils.
To be continued...


  1. Very cool Aimee. Looking forward to "the rest of the story".

  2. I refer to myself as "The finder of small things," because I don't find the best stuff but I always find a little something. Hope you caught up with part 2 and thanks for reading!
