Thursday, July 16, 2015

I've got a feeling...

Is it too much to ask 
to spend a day on a Florida river
and not have a vaguely menacing character pop out of the woods?
 I understand that the "menacing" part is probably mostly imagined 
but I go on high alert when, miles from the nearest road, I run into...
(the following are some of my past experiences)

Two men with crossbows and backpacks who announce they are "staying in the woods for 2 weeks."

A man and a woman with matching bleached mohawks who announce they are going to SWIM back to the road...eventually.

A shirtless young man in camo pants with a huge bowie knife at his waist and a large pit bull at his side (need I even mention that the dog is not on a lead?) who announces nothing.

If I see you once, I'm on alert.
If I see you twice, I'm outta there.

And so went my absolutely, I-really-mean-it-this-time, last day of the season on the river,
but not before I found...

A really cool rock:
I cut this open on the rock saw to find this amazing agatized center.  I have no idea what it is (it's not coral) but I ordered a used copy of Florida's Geologic Treasures (finally!) so hopefully I'll be able to ID some of these things.

A piece of fossilized coral with botryoidal formations:

More fossilized coral with the colorful outer patina of minerals from the river water:
This beauty is truly only skin deep, but that's ok with me.

A requisite horse tooth, astragalus, and hemi fragment:
This area of the river yields so little fossilized material beyond the coral that I usually bring my own "stunt fossils" from home so that I have something to show if I run into a curious canoer.
Mostly I find horse teeth and small astragali.
 And eyeglass lenses.

And after a whole season of digging...ta da!
An honest to goodness complete meg, small with vestigial cusps (and I'm making that up).
 Exciting to find!

I made it to a fossil club meeting down in Ft. Myers
and saw this creative use of broken megs and shark teeth by one of the club members:

And I got a new name tag that expresses the joy of the hobby:

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