Thursday, November 13, 2014

Back in the Saddle Again

"Saddle" in this context means "kayak"
I had the gall to feel disappointed that my first day back on the Peace River was dreary,
but I'll give myself a break because it was really dreary.
The chill was a shock and it drizzled on us all day and I had forgotten a stocking hat and even a sweatshirt.  Still, my excitement at being able to dig again got me through, and it wasn't until I glanced in the rearview mirror after loading my truck that I noticed my lips were blue.  

I'm declaring the day a success!
I'm not certain but I believe this is a big honking ballast bone from a fish.  I'm taking it to the next club meeting to get some more opinions.

Tiny perfect molar.

Horse teeth.

Shell encased in crystal.
This was kind of hard to capture in a photograph but it is a shell encased in crystal. 
Very cool!

The odds and ends photo.
Some fun stuff including 2 more ballast bones, mastodon enamel, whale ear bone fragments, glyptodon scute, turtle shell, ray and fish mouth plates, a meg with no enamel (alas!), and an unfossilized pig tooth.  Oh, and check out the vintage marble.  Love.

I made it to the Orlando fossil show.
Florida Fossil Hunters...hear me roar!
(trying to add a little panache to the hobby)

It's fun to see so many great fossils lined up on tables.
More megs than you can shake a shovel at.

Mammal teeth set out like strange gemstones.

And discoveries that I have to admit are better than my vintage marble.
But not by much.

I was ridiculously excited to see a drug ad that features fossil hunters.
There is a TV version, too.  
It just seems so random to pick paleontology as a backdrop for a pharmaceutical but I suppose it's no  more random than two 50 year olds holding hands across individual claw foot tubs en plein air (and I use that incorrectly).

SolOpsArt fossil jewelry.
Help a fossil sistah out: Tweet about me.
Ha! That's officially the first time I've used that term!
I've probably used it incorrectly as well, but I would appreciate fossil fans letting other fossil fans know about my Etsy shop SolOpsArt.

I'm used to drilling holes in my megs...
...but I was sweating bullets drilling a hole in someone else's meg.
I've been commissioned to reconfigure someone's meg necklace and they requested the drilled mounting as opposed to the wire wrap.  I'm, of course, a fan of drilling, as I prefer the look but I took this project sloooooow...
I'm saving up my shop proceeds because
I can't stand lugging a 40 lb battery around!
I give in!  I'm going back to something in the 27 lb range to power my trolling motor and if it doesn't last as long, so be it!

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