Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Carve the turkey, open the presents, and get back to the river!

     I don't miss snow, ESPECIALLY during the holidays.  I'm more than content to spend my fossiling days standing in water that is well above freezing.  Check out this boss baby flounder that got caught in my fossil screen.  It suctioned on to my glove and after a quick photo, it took some convincing to make it let go.  Pam told me that the baby flounders spend some time in the river before heading into the larger bodies of salt water.

     Yeah, yeah, it's beautiful.  

     I don't normally imbibe while digging but I figured since it was the holidays, I'd keep a Ranger IPA cool in the river, just in case.  I drank it, and then felt a little sluggish while I moved my second ton of gravel for the day.  I'll save it for the campsite in the future.

     I have a friend who travels with a massive salad and noshes on it throughout the afternoon.  I have teased her in the past but after a long day digging with a minimum of uninspiring snacks, the big salad became irresistible for the 2 hour drive home.  For a mere $1.97, I purchased a plastic tub cum salad bowl that I can use in the future for Rit-dying socks or washing dishes when camping.

     And, thankfully, there was a reward for a long day of digging: a beautiful carnassial or meat shearing molar from an ancient carnivore...a BIG carnivore!  I posted it on the Fossil Forum for help with the identification and got a lot of feedback that made me feel even more excited about my find, including an offer to purchase it!  No, I didn't ask how much but I figure the guys I dig with can give me an idea of the going rate, just for my own curiosity;  I'm NOT SELLING!
     Unfortunately, the hole where I found this carnassial and where I found the bear canine a week before, seems played out; by the end of the day I wasn't even finding small shark teeth.  Friday is fast approaching and it looks like I'll be back to prospecting.  

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