Monday, March 23, 2020

A Corona-Friendly Hobby

Social Distancing is my forte!
I get peeved if I see another person when I'm digging in the river.
Fossil hunting is the perfect hobby during this confusing time as I am avoiding close contact with other people, getting some exercise, and I'm in a peaceful state of mind. I've always felt the best thing you can do for yourself is stop watching the news.
The patch of gravel I found is still producing small wonders.
This avian raptor claw core inspired me to, once again, bring a .25" screen with me, although I found this in my .5" screen. The happy medium for me is to put 2 scoops of gravel in the little screen and then load up my big screen and let the chips (or fossils) fall where they may.
This is a newly erupted tooth from a juvenile giant ground sloth.
Super cool!
I also have a super cool new sticker on my kayak:
Come on now! You know that's funny!
We ruthlessly mock the men who have these on their trucks so I bought one for a friend as a joke. He wasn't going to be caught dead with it on his truck but suggested I put it on my kayak.
I'm waiting for someone to notice.😂
And this would by my very first nurse shark tooth! AND I found it in my .5" screen!
Is it any wonder that these are hard to find? 
This little beauty is a hotly contested shark tooth.
It may be a chubutensis which is a subspecies of megalodon or it may be a tooth from a transitional megalodon species. Evolution is beautiful but it is supremely messy.
This one hole that I am digging has gifted me with a number of small botryoidal oyster geodes which are apparently as rare as hen's teeth in the Peace River. 
Added bonus: they fluoresce under UV black light.
Shut the front door!
This one has just enough of a mineral overlay on the botryoidal to make it look slightly opalescent.
Earbones in da house!
I'm not sure what animal begat the one on the left but the other 2 are from a dolphin: a bulla and a periotic. 
Nice haul of giant armadillo scutes in complete condition. This represents 2 days of digging.
This is 2 days worth of alligator teeth. 
The truly weird thing about this location is I have found exactly 9 alligator teeth each day that I have dug there. What are the odds?!
You know me and tapir caps: 👍
Fish mouth plates and garfish scales.
Some random stingray material but check out the size of that barb fragment!
That was a biggun'!
Tiny rodent jaw, rodent tooth, armadillo scute, cute little turtle peace sign scute and a couple of fish verts.
Lots and lots of antler material but only the occasional antler butt.
And loads of tigers...
...and hemis.
I still have some work to do there.

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