Saturday, April 22, 2017

When Will It Stop? Cuando?!

You'll never catch me wishing for the end of fossil season,
but when will it end?!
My back is screaming for an MRI
 and my toenails are in that perpetual mushy state from spending upwards of 8 hours every week encased in hot rubber dive boots filled with bacteria-laden water.
It's been such a great season
Every week I come home with a new ghoulish assortment of teeth
and bones.

I started this season with about 10 glyptodont scutes in my collection,
and now I have dozens.
I even found my very own little piece of articulated glyptodont scutes
although it pales in comparison to Tom's.
But I'm not competitive any more!
(Go to your happy place...)

We had a lot of fun camping this season.
We worked our kayaks and canoes like rented mules when it came to firewood collection.

No one will accuse me of being a puss
(except when it comes to palmetto bugs)
but I'm tired!
Here's the caveat before you start feeling your heartstrings tug:
I've got my annual arrowhead hunting trip to West Virginia coming up and immediately after that, the 3rd annual trip to Wyoming and beyond.  And then there is another run to north Georgia for those fragile plant fossils: my goal is a stellar example of lepidodendron bark.  
And don't even get me started on summer coral collecting!
Speaking of fragile fossils, I've been pondering...instead of trying to make weak super glue by struggling to dissolve butvar into acetone, couldn't I just make better butvar by thinning super glue with acetone?  All comments on this matter would be welcome.
This was my 5th season in the Peace River
and I think I've about doubled the size of my fossil collection.
I'll keep hunting for that 3" river meg, but in regards to this season spent digging with friends,
Nothing is lacking.


  1. Very, very jealous. Maybe I'll find a root ball at blue forrest!

  2. Vickie!!! You commented!!! Thank you so much! You don't know how much it means. I hope you find a root ball, too, but we'll have more time to settle in a dig this year. I'm bringing a small sun shelter that I'm going to use as best as possible. I considered an umbrella first and then had to laugh at myself. How on earth would I get it into the ground?!

    1. That's a good thought. Now if we could only rig up a fan for drying the sweat.

    2. You know, sweat isn't the issue in WY. It's that dang sun! And the wind makes it VERY difficult to set up a shelter.

  3. Very cool finds. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Widowed to the river during fossil season. Cant wait to get back out there with you. Keep dragging cool and unusual stuff home girl. The cats got nothin on you.😉

  5. I have enjoyed watching your blog. You have really been nailing it this season with the great fossils. Keep updating. I'm sure I'll run into you on the peace one day, I'm looking forward to it

  6. Will do! Writing about it is a great rehash!
