Thursday, March 30, 2017

Raining a cantaros

Llovia a cantaros,
or, in English, raining cats and dogs.
See, Mrs. Vallejos?  I DO remember something from all those hours in class.
The rain obviously doesn't bother Miss Vickie but for some reason it freaks me out.
Never mind that I'm already soaking wet, standing in a river.
This is my brave, "I'm having fun!" face.  Note the tension in the neck.
But there was no lightening nor flash flooding, and the digging continued.
So glad I didn't give up:
because I found this.
Probably my prettiest river meg EVER.  Only 2.5" with a tiny bit of damage on the tip but otherwise, pristine with a lovely tan root.
I also dug a couple more nice little megs, a great hemi, and a fat tiger.

When things seem to slow down, 
I start talking about moving on until Jack reminds me 
to tell him when I'm done with the area and he'll come dig on it for a while.
I'll keep digging!
Definitely not done with the area.
Glyptodont scutes continue to trickle in:
and several assorted teeth:
and as usual, a surprise or 2:
An embalming fluid bottle from the 20's-40's.
But I love it.
Here's Miss Vickie making her way back to town.
Life on the river.

Now, apropos of nothing, here's a baby sitting on the train tracks:
I was having breakfast in Brooksville, Florida, recently with some youngsters and the youngest pointed out the picture, stating, "I don't think that's a very good idea."
I wonder what was going through the photographer's mind and was this photo accidentally filed under "Anne Geddes" when it should've been in "Horror Film Promo"?
Just something to ponder and help add words.
Thank you for reading!

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