Thursday, July 14, 2016

Adventures in Yellow Cat and the Poison Strip

Generally, I avoid radioactive places.
I had read that some areas of Yellow Cat, Utah might harbor mild radiation.
Hopefully nothing more intense than the years I spent standing in front of my parents circa 1980 microwave oven, waiting for my LeMenu's to heat through.
And the "Poison Strip" moniker comes from a preponderance of arsenic in the ground water.
No worries!  I stuck with the bottled kind and...
I quickly learned that even a short walk away from camp required copious amounts of bottled water.
This is the high desert, after all.
But boy, oh boy! If you want cool rocks, this is the place to be!
Down a short slope from our campsite I ran across these super cool rocks, laced through with red ribbons and pockets of crystals.  Still don't know what it is.
It got to be overwhelming.
Rocks are HEAVY, and even with the campsite in view, the return climb up that short slope was a lot harder with 100 lbs of rocks strapped to my back.
Still, I kept going back, until...
Tom identified one of my shut-off switches:
Simple as that.
The other switch is darkness; I stop digging when I can't see any more.
And a couple more photos...
Here I am on a slippery slope that doesn't look nearly as intimidating from below as it felt while I was on it.
And here is some local wildlife that was released unharmed.
On to Wyoming!


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