Sunday, February 7, 2016

¡Ve te, El Niño!

Dang weather patterns!!!
I feel like I haven't fossiled in forever...
because I haven't!
Another year of heavy winter rains and high river water levels but I have been meditating on it and visualizing even better fossils being washed out of the river banks, ready for me to find next season.
This is all I've got
from my last trip to Horse Creek
over a month ago.  It was supposed to be a 2-day weekend but it rained overnight and by the 2nd day, we were shut out completely.
Turtle scutes...yawn...

Tortoise spurs and foot pads...sigh...

Horse incisor, ray barb fragment, gator scute, and antler butt...hmmm...

And a handful of gator teeth (with a stray deer/lama tooth).

I don't mean to sound jaded or ungrateful but
I want to hunt!!!

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