Friday, August 21, 2015

Girls Gone Wild

Let me start by saying
I don't buy rocks.
If I didn't find it or it wasn't a gift, it doesn't have that special meaning for me.
...look what trouble we girls can get into when we have a little mad money
 burning a hole in our pocket. 
M-F'ing BIG Ammonites!
Last night was our annual buy-sell-trade meeting at the Fossil Club of Lee County and I was eyeing the 2 big ammonites that had been collected by one of our club members while he was working on his ammonite-themed doctorate.  He wanted $50 apiece and I kept thinking,
"Dang!  That sounds like a good price for a BIG ammonite
with a solid provenance!"
Then Pam started eyeing the one I was eyeing and I got all competitive and, well...
You're looking at 2 new proud ammonite owners.
For those of you keeping score, the ammonites are Eopachydiscus Marcianus of the early Cretaceous, found in the Duck Creek Formation in Grayson County, Texas,
and you can take that to the bank!

It's been a month of shenanigans for us crazy ladies.
We were gifted tickets to see the cast of T. Rex Sue's skeleton 
at the Florida Museum of Natural History and we took advantage of the opportunity.
I would like to clear the air at this point by saying that I am fully aware that I am wearing the exact same top, jewelry, hairdo, blah blah blah in both photos. Crud...
I did bathe and run a load of laundry in between, if that helps.
Overwhelming to sit and think about this huge T. Rex.
While I don't exactly wish we had inhabited the same time frames,
I do, none the less, feel a wistful sense of sadness that these creatures are so unimaginably distant in our planet's past that we can never truly know what they were like, what their world was like.
Continued advancements in scientific knowledge have shed light on fascinating aspects of this animals pathology and it's very interesting reading if you Google T. Rex Sue.

Pam had some fun with a selfie.
A representation of what life might have been like if we did inhabit the same time frames. digging lately, 
as the river levels are too high and likely to remain that way until November.  I have a trip planned to the Pacific northwest and while I have very little time to rockhound while I'm there, I'm still hoping for a palm frond or two.  Gotta be better than Minnesota, right?

Apropos of nothing,
I often fantasize about owning this fossilized pine cone.
Let me rephrase that.
I fantasize about being able to go to Argentina and find my own dang pine cone!

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