Saturday, February 14, 2015

Fossiliferous Navel Gazing

Apparently, when I'm not able to hunt for fossils, 
all I can think about are

A photo from happier times:
Mike looked at this photo and said, "Why's she smiling?"
Ha!  Why wouldn't she be?!
It might of been raining that day but at least it hadn't rained so much we couldn't get in the river.
A wet winter has kept us stranded on dry land for much of this fossil season.

Oh, hey, here's a little  display of my Arizona brachiopods:
Very pretty.


I have heard many stories of people hunting land sites and finding great things 
but these stories always include the fossil hunter being told to leave, getting a ticket, or going to jail. Please tell me that last one is urban legend!
Regardless, these stories have kept me from stopping my car and looking around.
Until today.
You gotta start somewhere 
so I figured I'd look along some gravelly hills next to a highway.

The first thing I realized is that I need to keep a pair of sturdy shoes in my truck 
for when the exploratory whim strikes.
Foot vs. Cactus
Sooner or later, cactus gonna win.

Here's what I picked up.
I know!  It's nothing!
But those suspiciously rounded rocks?
Git a hammer!
I know!  It's nothing!



  1. I love this post, though I can't explain why.
    And hey, you weren't given a ticket, asked to leave OR put in jail!

  2. No, but what compels people to honk or shout at people they see by the road? Can't I look at rocks in peace?! :-)
