Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dig deep

     After a week off due to house guests, I was anxious to get back to the peace of the river.  I lent my spare kayak to a fellow club member and we started paddling (or motoring in my case) about 7:15 AM.  I followed him to an area where he had been finding some good megs in deeper water.
     He kept calling me over to dig in a fissure he had discovered a few days earlier.
     I, of course, stubbornly poked around in shallow areas with nil results.  Finally I conceded and waded over to see what he was doing.  What he had uncovered was a long, deep, twisting crack through the bedrock of the river.  Very interesting!  BUT it was too deep for my regular shovel and for some reason, I was having trouble in the narrow space with my long handle shovel.  My mind kept drifting to thoughts of expensive fossil scoops...
 I kept digging...
Near miss!



     I found it interesting that we separately described our day to a fellow fossiler and I was the "glass half empty" person while my digging partner was the "glass half full".  I'll work on my attitude. :-)

     I go to sleep each night thinking about where I will dig the next time I go to the Peace River and I keep thinking about the BIG rocks I found a few weeks back.
     Look at those suckers!  Why, oh why, isn't one of them a mammoth tooth?!
Maybe it's still there...

     On the homefront, I finally fixed up the curio cabinet a client gave me for my fossils.  It needed some new shelves and a door replaced.  I spent 3 mornings transferring and arranging my fossils.
Not a job for the over-caffeinated!


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