Saturday, August 17, 2013

Necessity is the mother, and all that...

     The old guys kept telling me I should call "Pam" and go fossiling with her.  Well, maybe I didn't like that very much.  It had that feeling of my brothers telling me to go play with the girls and really, what other woman was going to dig like I dig?  I definitely wasn't holding the guys back, if, for no other reason, I am completely independent with my kayak and don't require an escort or assistance.
     But Pam is an officer of my fossil club and I wanted to get to know the other members so I arranged to go fossiling with her.
     Pam, please forgive me for ever doubting you!
     One of our first times fossiling together, she called, after we were both over an hour into our commutes, to tell me she had forgotten her paddle; not unheard of when you are wrangling a truckload of gear in the predawn hours.  I've heard stories of guys paddling with their shovel for the same reason.
     I was just passing the small WalMart in Wauchula so I told her I would come up with something.  I ran into the store and all they had were 2 expandable plastic emergency paddles.  I grabbed those and a roll of duct tape and we cobbled together a temporary kayak paddle.
     With this flimsy device Pam paddled a total of 5 miles, faster and stronger than me, and dug all day to boot.
You go, girl!

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