Monday, July 15, 2013

Join the club

     Last summer, eager for an introduction to the Peace River, it seemed the best way to meet other fossilers and gain knowledge was to join a fossil club.
     I was still spending a lot of time in Tampa so I joined the Tampa Bay Fossil Club and then I checked out a few others, looking for a good selection of field trips.  The Orlando club didn't have any scheduled field trips at that time but I noticed that the Fossil Club of Lee County in Fort Myers had a trip planned to the Mosaic phosphate mine.  Anyone Googling fossils of Florida will come across amazing photos and videos from the phosphate mines; what a wonderland!
     I joined both clubs, paid my dues, and sent emails introducing myself and letting them know where my interests lay.  The way I see it, I'm already middle aged so I haven't any time to lose!
     I went to the Tampa meetings first since it's closer for me.  TBFC is a big club and I felt invisible at the meetings.  There are so many long-standing members, I didn't stand a chance of being included in the more coveted field trips.  I'm not dissing TBFC; they've got it going on!  But being a newbie and not very outgoing, I needed something a little more personalized.
     Sometimes everything falls into place and that's what happened with the Fossil Club of Lee County. It is a smaller club and a better fit for me.  The president of the club answered my email AND invited me on the Mosaic mine field trip!  I cannot begin to express how excited I was!
     The 4+ hour drive to Fort Myers is a pain and I can only attend meetings once a quarter but I've found my fossil club.

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